
MTarget allows you to send SMS from your Wordpress website with our integration on the WP SMS plugin.


You can register to test freely our service. The creation of an account is without obligation.

To create an account, please contact support@mtarget.fr with "Creation of a Wordpress API account" as subject giving the following information: 

  • Email
  • Lastname
  • Firstname
  • Company name
  • Mobile number

In return, we will send you your API credentials.

The SMS sending account that we open can support several offers and different fares depending on destinations and operators, do not hesitate to tell us the destinations you want to test.


  • Install the plugin then go to Settings > Gateway for configuring your account.
  • Choose Mtarget in the Gateway name field.
  • Insert your username and your password given during your registration. You can choose a personalize sender in the Sender field (11 characters).

  • The option Send as unicode must be checked if you want to send characters not in the GSM alphabet. However, in this mode, a message will have a maximum of 70 characters instead of 160 without the option.
  • If you want to send your own SMS messages, the plugin includes a wp_sms_send function that takes two parameters into account: an array of msisdns and the message to be sent (see the example below).
$to[] = '+33xxxx1';
$to[] = '+33xxxx2';
$msg  = "Test";
wp_sms_send($to, $msg);

More informations on the plugin are available on its page: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-sms/.